What is Twitter Circle? testing for the tweets you’d rather keep to ‘select people’

Twitter is testing a new feature that lets users tweet specific posts to a select smaller crowd.

According to Independent.co.uk, The feature, similar to Instagram’s “Close Friends” feature, would let users select the people they’d want in their “Circle,” which could include both followers and non-followers. For that hot update, Twitter’s pending acquisition hasn’t put a freeze on all product testing, as we’ve seen hints of the upcoming edit tweets feature leak out.

“People in your Twitter Circle can’t use the Retweet icon to share your Twitter Circle Tweets on Twitter, or in their own Twitter Circle,” reads the Twitter Circle FAQ quoted from Mashable.com. “Please remember that your Twitter Circle members can still download, capture and / or re-share images or screenshots of your Twitter Circle content.”

Twitter Circle will let users pick up to 150 people to join their Circle. When the users feel like tweeting without sharing to the masses, they simply pull up the Choose Audience menu while writing a tweet and choose Twitter Circle instead of Everyone (as shown below). According to Twitter, this is different from its Communities, which also hide tweets away in an attempt to prevent “context collapse,” because those tie to particular discussions while Circle is just standard tweets that aren’t available for everyone to see.

According to The Verge.com, as Twitter’s guidelines for the test make clear, just because the public can’t see your tweets doesn’t mean there are no rules. You can still get banned for abusive behavior or other activities that break its rules. The feature has been in the works since at least last year, popping up with “Trusted Friends” and “Facet” branding for the settings, and earlier this year with the name “Flock.”

For now, the chosen few who will have access to Twitter Circle can only create a single Circle, and only the person who creates the Circle can see the list of people that are in it. The feature is available to them across iOS, Android, and the web. If you’re in a Circle, you can’t remove yourself from it, but you can still mute a discussion if it takes up too much of your timeline.

So, are you ready to be more private with “Circle”?

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Source .
– Mashable.com
– Theverge.com