Windows 365 Free Trial Paused Due To Significant Demand

Microsoft took to Twitter to notify users that they have reached their prime capacity for Windows 365 following significant demand.

Microsoft has put on hold giving free Windows 365 trials a day after launching the cloud PC service. The service was terminated due to ‘significant demand’, asking users to sign up to the Windows 365 web page to be notified when the free trial resumes.

It was explained in a tweet that they have got unbelievable responses to windows 365 and need to pause the service for some time for additional capacity to include more users.

Microsoft launches Windows 365 last month to address the growing demand for PCS. The service was provided via web browser for systems using Windows, iPad, Mac, Android OS to offer a complete PC experience. Available set of configurations re 2GM RAM, 64GM RAM, and one virtual processing core.

Credits: FE Online